We welcome you to submit an proposal to the 2023 ANCOLD Conference! There are three presentation formats on offer at the Conference. You will be able to select a format that will suit you and your presentation.
1) Oral Presentation
Presentations will be around 12 minutes. There will also be a time allowance for questions and answers from the floor, to be held at the conclusion of each session. Exact time allocation will be provided once submission closes.
2) Posters
Presenters have the option of providing an A0 (841 x 1189 mm) landscape or portrait poster which will be mounted on a display panel in a designated poster area at the conference. Please see below for local printing services:
- Kwik Kopy Cairns – (07) 4031 6066 – 21 Lake Street, Cairns, QLD 4870
- Snap Print & Design Services Cairns – (07) 4051 9433 – 79-81 McLeod Street, Cairns City, QLD, 4870
- Copy Shop – (07) 4015 1515 – Shop 8, 25 Grafton Street, Cairns, QLD 4870
3) Published paper only
This submission type allows for an opportunity to supply a written paper for publication in the conference proceedings without having to present the paper.
All authors who have their submission accepted for presentation must register and pay for their attendance, at a minimum, for the day of the Conference on which they are presenting. Accepted presenters will be given access to the Early Bird Registration rates.