DAY 1 - Monday 16 June
Welcome to Country and introduction
Keynote Session 1
Afternoon Refreshments
Session 2
Networking Drinks
DAY 2 - Tuesday 17 June
Keynote Session 1
Morning Refreshments
Keynote Session 2
Session 3
Afternoon Refreshments
Session 4
Forum Dinner
DAY 3 - Wednesday 18 June
Site tour - Burrendong Dam (including morning refreshments and lunch)
Forum Close - (Return to Dubbo by 3pm)
Day 1: Monday 2 September 2024
11.45 11.55 Welcome to the Dams Forum Storm Stickland
Forum Convenor / Seqwater
11.55 12.05 ANCOLD Executive Welcome Michel Raymond
12.10 12.50 Keynote Speaker
Presentation Title: Opportunities and shared obligations for dam owners
Glenn Stockton
12.55 13.55 Lunch
14.00 Dam upgrades and operations Chair: Tom Ridgway
14.05 14.15 Dam Upgrades - improvement or pain in the neck Michael Wiltshire
Water Corporation
14.18 14.33 Dam Operator Preparation for a Dam Safety Emergency – A Case Study Tim Lawrence
14.36 14.51 Streamlining Sunwater Emergency Action Plans Michael Hughes
14.54 15.20 Open discussion
15.20 15.50 Afternoon Refreshments
16.03 Dam safety surveillance and instrumentation: What's in the horizon? Chair: Surali Pinto
16.06 16.21 The future of dam surveillance and the expected challenges. Chris Rogers
16.24 16.38 Establishing an Effective Dam Instrument Maintenance Program: Ensuring Long-Term Reliability and Durability Hao-yuan (Vincent) Chen
16.41 16.56 Dams Maintenance - Keeping up with the times Michael Wiltshire
Water Corporation
16.59 17.30 Open discussion
17.30 17.35 Close for Day 1 Storm Stickland
Forum Convenor / Seqwater
17:45 Networking Drinks sponsored by
Day 2: Tuesday 3 September 2024
8.30 8.35 Welcome to Day 2 Forum Storm Stickland
Forum Convenor / Seqwater
8.35 9.15 Keynote Speaker
Presentation Title: The critical role of dam operators - now and into the future
Kevin Bartlett
9.20 10.00 Keynote Speaker
Presentation Title: Lessons for Australian Dam Owners from the Oroville Dam Spillway Failure
Barton Maher
10.05 10.40 Group activity Scenario Session Part A – Setting The Scene Facilitator: Organising Committee
10.40 11.10 Morning Refreshments
11.10 Next Gen: Who, how and when do we train new operators? Chair: Miguel Wu
11.13 11.28 Attracting New Dam Operators - Just-intime succession planning Adrian Pearse
Goulburn-Murray Water
11.31 11.44 Dam Safety Surveillance Training for Operators: Methods of Delivery David Wightman
11.47 12.02 National water industry collaboration with the operations sector Dean Barnett
Water Industry Operations Association of Australia
12.05 12.30 Open discussion
12.30 13.30 Lunch
13.50 What DAM things keep you awake at night? Chair: Michel Raymond
13.53 14.05 Getting it Right – The Importance of Dam Operator Input into Dam O&M Manuals – A Case Study Tim Lawrence, Graham Keegan
14.08 14.23 Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Sleep Lucas Arnup
Coliban Water
14.26 14.41 Dam Operator input to managing Dam Safety Surveillance Melissa Wong, James Lofting
14.41 15.05 Open Discussion
15.10 15.40 Afternoon Refreshments
15.50 16.30 Group Activity Scenario Session Part B – The Challenge Facilitator: Organising Committee
16.35 17:00 Scenario Wrap Up Storm Stickland
Forum Convenor / Seqwater
17:00 17.10 Day 2 Close
Review of Day 3 Tours
Storm Stickland
Forum Convenor / Seqwater
18.30 22.30 Forum Dinner
Savvy Squire Mooloolaba
Day 3: Wednesday 4 September 2024
8.00 8.30 Day 3 Site Tours
8.15 8.30 Load buses for the site tours
8.30 8.45 Arrive Cooloolabin Dam
9.45 10.00 Arrive Poona Dam
11.00 11.15 Arrive Wappa Dam
12.15 13.15 Take away Lunch served
13.15 13.45 Bus departs to Sunshine Coast Airport
14.00 14.30 Bus departs for Mantra Mooloolaba